Meet the Apprentice: Tamzyn Sheriff

06th February 2024

In celebration of National Apprenticeship Week 2024, we are sharing some of Goodwood's current apprentices and how they find life at Goodwood. Today, meet Tamyzyn Sheriff, who works at The Goodwood Hotel and is currently training as a Hospitality Supervisor, Level 3.

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What motivated you to join Goodwood and how has your training helped shape your career aspirations?

Goodwood is a very big estate and the name and atmosphere it brings gave me the the hope and inspiration to be a part of the famous name. My managers Tanyia and Julia have helped me grow immensely within my career and generally as a person.

What do you enjoy most about working at Goodwood?

I love the team I work with and generally the atmosphere of the events and people we welcome in the hotel and the Goodwood Estate.

What have been some of the highlights of your time in your role and your training?

For me, becoming confident within myself and being more assertive within my role and how to apply it in my work– understanding the different roles within Goodwood and how the estate runs through our busy times of the year such as our major events and also during quiet times of the year. I have enjoyed the atmosphere the events bring to the job, as well as the pressures that come along with it.

Looking ahead, what are your career goals and how do you see your experience at Goodwood shaping your future in the industry?

My career goals… I would love to say I knew exactly what it is I want to do however I am unsure! I admire the higher positions within the estate and would love to strive towards promotions.

In what ways do you feel supported and mentored by your team and Goodwood team? How has this support contributed to your professional development?

When first starting at Goodwood I struggled in believing I could do something and constantly doubted my decisions but now my personal growth within work and home life has come very far due to the support from my managers and fellow colleagues.

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