Meet the Apprentice: Max Tilley

07th February 2024

In celebration of National Apprenticeship Week 2024, we are sharing some of Goodwood's current apprentices and how they find life at Goodwood. Meet Max Tilley, one of the Golf at Goodwood's greenkeepers, who's training in Greenkeeping, Level 2.

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What motivated you to join Goodwood and how has your training helped shape your career aspirations? 

My decision to join Goodwood was driven by an intense passion for the game of golf and a love for the Goodwood brand. (I have been attending Festival of Speed with my father for over 20 years).

My training has further instilled my passion for the game, shaping my aspirations towards being a future Head Greenkeeper/Groundsman. I enjoy the constant drive for perfection that is shared across the management board and I look forward to realising these goals in the future!

What have been some of the highlights of your time in your role and your training?

Some fond memories/highlights that I have in my role actually tend to happen on a fairly frequent basis on The Park course. We regularly get positive feedback on the progression of the course and being part of the processes that help take the golf course forward will forever stick in my memory.

Looking ahead, what are your career goals and how do you see your experience at Goodwood shaping your future in the industry?

My career goals are fairly optimistic, but attainable! I wish to be a Head Greenkeeper/Groundsman, preferably within the Goodwood Estate. The current supportive culture that we carry on The Park course will certainly pave the way for making this goal a reality.

In what ways do you feel supported and mentored by your team and Goodwood team?

Having worked with my current manager, Simon Berry, on The Park course for many years I feel we have a fully fuinctional working relationship and a mutual respect for one another. I get full support from Simon and we are always working together to better ourselves and the golf course. We are both open to me exploring any courses, training, webinars etc. to further my development.

How has this support contributed to your professional development?

The support provided has certainly allowed me to develop at a faster rate than perhaps usual! The level of trust and mutual respect that Simon and I carry for each other allows myself and the golf course to develop and progress at a rate that I feel is currently beneficial to all parties. The door is always open for me to pursue and develop any skills that allow myself, the team and the Golf At Goodwood course to flourish.

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