Video: Lawnmower drag racing is the true soul of motorsport

16th March 2023
Ben Miles

If it exists, someone will try to race it. That should be the fundamental law that underpins all forms of automotive travel. No matter what the vehicle was designed for, at someone point two people will decide they need to get competitive. We like to bring you the maddest such things we can find. Recently we’ve had downhill luge and mad jet sprint racing. Today, we’re looking at drag racing… with lawnmowers.

It should be said that lawnmower racing is not that unusual. Indeed just a matter of miles from Goodwood there is a yearly 12-hour race, the competitors for which gleefully put themselves through potential kidney injuries in the name of victory.

But drag racing lawnmowers? That is new to us. And, like many such things, comes from our cousins over in the United States. Straight away you’re thinking that there can’t be much of interest to this, but we are here to let you know how wrong you are. Because this isn’t just your bog standard Honda ride on brought for a quick sprint. No, these are highly modified lawnmowers in various categories all going head-to-head for victory.

Some have obviously been made up to look like tractor pulling competitors – another wild sport we suggest you look up – while others have become basically monster trucks (check out the race at 2.25).

But the best thing is that no matter how low rent this may look or seem, every single person involved is having just as much fun as they would if they were in a deadly serious drag race, and fun is what racing should really be about.

Welcome to Goodwood Elevenses, a mid-morning helping of motoring-related amusement to help break up your day. Watch the last video: When Häkkinen nearly beat Hamilton to an F1 seat

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